1.The prohibition of heroin has the devastating effect of forcing the price up to a level which can only be characterized as astronomical.
2.The testimony which he saw for the first time had a profoundly devastating effect on him and led to the change of direction in this trial.
3.He rarely spoke, but when he did, it was always with extraordinary precision and often with devastating effect.
4.The catastrophe: As if the political turmoil weren't bad enough, nature struck Haiti in2004 to devastating effect.
5.The depressed world prices created by farm policies over the past few decades have had a devastating effect.
6.Analysts say turning off the fire hydrants that supply most of the water to the protesters could have a devastating effect.
7.Besides you can never really cut the "blood connections" to your family members without producing a devastating effect on your family tree.
8.In the second world war rumours circulated of a giant German sonic device that could be deployed to devastating effect on the battlefield.
9.The Kremlin's decision to use brutal force to destroy the experiment had a devastating effect on the Euro-communist movement.
10.IN RECENT years investment banks were supposedly hijacked by boffins who used their nuclear-physics doctorates to devastating effect.